Wednesday, September 4, 2013

It got hot and I got lazy

August was a sluggish month for me. It was scorching hot outside and it made the majority of the day feel, well, like the thick of summer. Over 95 degrees and a mile high from sea level feels just like it sounds... like a broiling pan. We did get a bunch of afternoon rain which cooled the temperatures but added humidity. It felt like Florida! There, heat of August crushed down on the joys of summer, forcing everyone inside to the AC because the heat mid-day would just make you dizzy and overheated. Asher gets red faced and lethargic despite the cold pool water and frozen popsicles so we go inside to watch finding Nemo and lay under the fan. Did I mention our swamp cooler broke for a few days? Yeah.

Creatively and spiritually I felt sluggish too. Maybe because the beginning of summer was abundant with it. Maybe I just got lazy. By mid month all of the routines I had been working to establish, like yoga and blogging and meditation were a struggle. But alas, September finally arrived! And it feels like August! I kid, it's slightly better but still pretty darn hot for Colorado but at least I'm feeling an upswing in energy again.

I have decided to do a mini 30 day challenge this month. Instead of writing it down and giving it so much outward acknowledgement, I'm just silently doing one positive thing every day that makes a BETTER ME. Simple, subtle, but the shift in mental energy is huge. So far it has been taking better care of my skin, getting up and taking a walk before Asher and Geof are awake, less wine and more lemon water, being a better listener, etc. September is one of my favorite months! It's the transition between summer and fall. It's my birthday month and the start of the season of Giving Thanks. I am thankful it has arrived!

A few pictures from our August:
In the garden

Garden fresh dinner, y'all! 

Lunch in Golden on Clear Creek

Trying to beat the heat inside!